when they cry》是《ひぐらしのなく頃に》的印象歌曲中最出色的一首。歌者片雾烈火亦演唱了动画ED《why,or why not》,令人印象深刻地出色地演绎了这两首体现了作品世界观的歌曲。由于原作者参与了作词的工作,所以这首《when they cry》的歌词处处都极吻合作品的气质,配合新颖的编曲方式,将作品人物的心境的变化及微妙的心绪含蓄而细腻地表达了出来。
《ひぐらしのなく頃に》本身是部另类的作品,在看似平凡到琐碎的日常生活下掩盖着的却是血淋淋的真相;这首歌也是如此,前段只是对快乐的日常生活的叙述,歌者的嗓音仿佛带着微笑,温暖而幸福。而自“でも”处陡然一转,揭示出残酷的真实,歌声也带上了冷峻和悲怆的意味。至副歌部分的高潮,对于“幸福”的相信固然是那么坚定,而大概连主人公自己都深深地明白,自己小小的愿望在这个残酷的世界里是那么的渺茫,坚决却又怀疑,激愤却又无奈,充满矛盾的心情与旋律一同达到顶点,戛然而止,空留下一片蝉声令人回味。与ED《why,or why not》有所不同的是,《why,or why not》更倾向于站在旁观者纵览全局的角度来看待整个故事,而《when they cry》则是身在这永无止境的悲惨轮回中的人们的呼喊,情绪色彩更为浓烈,感染力极强。在看过《ひぐらしのなく頃に》后而唏嘘不已之时,再回过头来听这首《when they cry》,或许能够体味出从前所未能悟出的更多深意。
Fly away lonely souls into the endless sky so far away
When you're all alone
Feeling down and lonely
Tell me what you see deep inside your soul
You only know who you are
So don't be afraid
Just open your heart to me
You will spread your wings like an eagle
Learning how to fly in the sky
Just like the sun rises after the rain you'll shine in the air
Take off your mask and be true to your heart trust yourself and fly away
Into the light of joy and truth (joy and truth)
Where there's a grief there will always be a hope
For a place where we can be who we wanna be
Your tears may fade away
But always keep the faith and live tomorrow
Break through the night away into a brand new day
Life's just begun
Yeah, feelin' the melody of eternity
It has the power to set us free
Travlin' through the galaxy with only space around
Follow the suns peaceful sound
It's time for us to end this illusion
Fightin' ourselves will only cause confusion
Shinin' light is the key of life
Let's all get together and make this better
I don't know how but there has got to be a way
There are times when I
Wish I could just disapear
Far from this place of pain and hurt
If only I could be gone
There's something in your eyes
Pulls me back from running away
Oh, yes it's hard sometimes
But now I'm strong enough to tell the sadness goodbye
Just like the moon fills the night with the stars I'll dance in the air
Seek in the darkness there's nothing to fear I will stand and fly away
Into the night I'll find the truth (find the truth)
The pain never ends but there's always be a hope
To be free eternally in this galaxy
To live another day the sun will show the way and I will follow
Break through the night away into a brand new day
My journey goes on
Into the light of joy and truth (joy and truth)
Where there's a grief there will always be a hope
For a place where we can be who we want to be
Your tears may fade away
But always keep the faith and live tomorrow
Break through the night away into a brand new day
Your journey's begun